It�s very easy to take an old bookcase or dresser and turn it into the perfect solution to your storage issue.
Do-it-yourself remodeling can be incredibly daunting – many �remodeling projects appear to be time-consuming and expensive. But there are plenty of projects that can be done on a tight budget and a tight timeline. If you�ve got a free weekend between now and New Years, consider one of these projects to help spruce up your interior design!
Anytime Storage
Do you feel like your home doesn�t have enough storage space? Is you living room missing a coffee table? Could you dining room benefit from a bar cart to help you organize your cocktail accoutrements?
It�s very easy remodeling project to take an old bookcase or dresser and turn it into the perfect solution to your storage issue. A new coat of paint or stain, new decorative handles, or resurfacing the top with glass or a veneer can easily add color and visual interest to even the dullest of pieces. If you need some ideas to get you inspired, take a moment to read these suggestions from HGTV.
Update Your Doors
Tired of plain, flat doors in your home? No need to go out and buy new ones – just give them a remodeling update with some interesting trim and a new coat of paint. Designer Brian Patrick Flynn has a whole how-to article on how to update your bathroom doors, but the steps are very simple. First, sketch out what kind of design you�d like to see. Then, purchase lightweight trim that complements your pattern and cut it to size. Attach it to your door with wood glue, a nail gun, or wood screws to hold it in place. Give the door a new coat of paint and voila! No more plain, flat doors!
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