A new roof is�a quick fix and makes for a quicker sell afterwards, right? �Well, perhaps a new roof isn�t worth your investment.
If your roof is too deteriorated for your home to sell on the housing market, it�s possible you�ve thought about a repair or a replacement. �And of course, the idea can sound tempting–after all, you want to sell your home as fast as possible, and roofing projects tend to take a while. �It�s a quick fix and a quicker sell afterwards, right? �Well, perhaps a new roof isn�t worth your investment. �It could be easier for you to sell your home to The Team Edge, rather than waste your money on a new roof. �Read on to find out why.
What does a new roof cost?
All roofers charge differently, but in the end, they�re all expensive. �You should never replace your own roof, as it�s dangerous and could end up costing you even more. �A professional roofer could end up charging you $5,000 or more, and you might not have that kind of money. �And, you�ll also have to pay for the original roof removal. �Overall, the replacement job is going to drain your bank account pretty quickly. �Why would you want to waste your money on a roof you�re going to leave behind, anyway?
Why should you sell to us?
Instead of dropping thousands on a new roof, it�s better to sell to The Team Edge. �You won�t have to make any repairs when you work with us. �So, if you�ve approached a real estate agency only to be told the damage you need to repair before going on the market, you can turn to us. �We�ll buy your home as-is, even if your roof is about to collapse. �Sometimes, you may not even realize your roof is under duress. �This means you won�t have any money saved up to fix it. �New roofs can be one of the most expensive home repair projects, because they need to be planned in advance and worked on extremely quickly. �Avoid this hassle by working with us. �We�ll get you a fair, even price so you aren�t spending too much on repairs you won�t utilize.
Call The Team Edge today to sell your home instead of making costly repairs!
If you find yourself in a hectic situation and need to sell quickly, you don�t have time to sit around and wait for potential buyers. �You need to sell now. �And that�s where we come in�The Team Edge is dedicated to buying your property, regardless of the time of year, and despite whatever state it may be in. �Rather than taking the risk with a slow market and picky buyers, call us, and sell your home fast.
If you�re having trouble selling, don�t worry. �The Team Edge will buy your property regardless of its current condition and curb appeal, and is dedicated to providing you with the best possible selling experience and a fast, fair offer. Call our 24/7 hotline today at 443-840-7100 or fill out our quick and easyonline application to get started on selling your Maryland property immediately.
That�s right. Sell your house fast � AS IS!
Call or contact us online to experience The Team Edge Difference today. You can also follow us on our blog, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google+.
Tags: home improvement